Thursday, June 30, 2022

TTRPG creations: More orbs to ponder

 Mok's orb of chaotic incompetence: 2 handed, when activated all characters within 30' roll -1D on all dice rolls for 1D4+CL turns.

Recipe: An ogre magi skull polished to mirror sheen. submerged in a barrel of 100 year aged alcohol for one month and then left to sit outside on the hottest day of the year.

Agoba's orb of mental stillness - 1 handed, when pondered upon leaves the mind completely blank. Ponderer is impervious to scrying or mental manipulation. 

Recipe: A joyful moment captured and infused within pitch black sand. Melted in a kiln made of madness mushrooms and fired by 1000 dried mind slugs. Cast during the great grain harvest festival held by the Peyote king.

Oxar's anger orb - 1 handed, when activated gives the caster the stats of a Hill Giant (DCC Page 414) for 1D3+CL rounds. Caster dies after use.

Recipe: A hill giants kings sweat poured into a werewolves open heart. Stitched closed using pure silver cord and killer wasp queens barbs. Baked in a kiln made from a minotaur torso that has been fired from a fire giants flames.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - K


Kangaroo - Bursting through the bush, leaping, skipping, hopping, jumping, bounding, bobbing and bouncing. The mob moving as one through the scrub, Jack and Jill a backdrop of black silhouettes standing tall and proud holding court against the down under desert sun.

Init +2; Atk kick +1 (1d6); AC 11; HD 1d8; MV 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D10


Koala - Deep gurgling grunts from the overhead gums. Like an bubbling brook from flesh, burbling, and braying like a distressed donkey. Like a chaotic cacophony of croaks from the sky. Movement in the gum leaves, a furry squat body descends from heaven, plummeting down claws outstretched in a kamikaze dive.

Init -1; Atk claw +2 (1d4+1); AC 11; HD 1d8; MV 20' or climb 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref -1 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D4


Kookaburra - Peals of laughter like a merry melody overlapping and interlocking within itself. Flashes of blue, grey, white and brown as this noble kingfisher swoops down. Skimming the water and snapping upwards a prize in beak. The morning mist rising off the water as the kings call covers all.

Init +3; Atk peck +2 (1d4); AC 13; HD 1d6; MV 5' or fly 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1; AL N; NE 3D6



Monday, June 27, 2022

TTRPG Judge advice: Into the wild


The trio trek the long path upwards, pushing through brush and brambles but always keeping an eye on the track ahead. 

After an hour the party reaches the barren summit, sitting down, catching breaths and taking in the magnificent panorama all around. 

Suddenly a sound destroys the silence, wings beating like the crack of thunder peal overhead. A blood red scaled nightmare soars high bellowing a challenge.

Two of the novice adventurers scramble for cover, desperate to be out sight. The remaining party member (a half orc named Bok) raises his war axe high and screams in defiance back at the dragon. 


This was my first experience playing role playing games, I had created a feral half orc named Bok and I'm pretty sure it was pathfinder. It was a random thrown together adventure with a group of Americans I had never met face to face. It lasted possibly three to four session and not much got done.

I will never forget this experience and it has had a lasting impression on me as a judge. 

Random monster and wilderness encounters are amazing. They build moments like this, a young adventuring party coming face to face with a monster that could reduce them to ash. An army of orcs passing through the valley marching to war. A merchants caravan under attack by a tribe of lizard/bee people. 

Some TTRPG's advise the judge to keep within the parties level range when designing fights. To use websites and apps to carefully configure encounters. To treat the game like a set of equations (If the paladin has this AC I could have that many goblins for him to fight). 

I ask judges to be brave and throw this advice out the window and embrace the chaos! To create unbalanced, broken and random encounters. To subvert expectations by using the reaction tables (That army of orcs are actually on the way to defend a human village). To create a realistic world.

When you do this your creation actually comes to life, you take it out of the cold sterile lab and you let it grow and develop and most of all live.

Embrace the madness and have a red dragon fly overhead, hide your smile behind the judge screen when a players decides to scream at it.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - H - I


Hercules Moth - A horrendous fluttering flurry like a paper mill explosion. The senses buffeted by brown wings. Eyes enveloped, ears covered, nose blocked, mouth filled. Every inch of skin alive with wriggling, ticking fur covered limbs. Senses shut down or be overloaded, the body becomes a writhing mass.

Init +1; Atk (0); AC 5; HD 1d4; MV 5' or flying 40'; ACT 1d20; SP casts Darkness at 12 - 13; SV Fort -2 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N; NE  2d100


Inland Taipan - The deadliest on earth, the hundred man killer. Powerful poison that annihilates anima, shreds spirits, eviscerates egos, punctures the psyche and evaporates the very essence itself. Unholy horrid twin punctures that go beyond the body and strike the soul. In an atom bomb flash the body boils, burns, bubbles, blisters and bursts open. The very ground itself rejects the remains seeking to never gain nutrients from such an unholy death. The bite to end god.

Init +3; Atk bite +2; AC 13; HD 1D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP: Fort save 20 or death, 6D8 damage on successful save; SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1; AL N; NE 1

TTRPG Judge advice: A layered cake or upgrading old weapons in TTRPGS


People love cake (only shocking statements here folks), but most people prefer a layered cake. A cake with toppings, icing, different flavoured layers and fruits on top. 

What we should do is treat your parties current weapons (and armour for that matter) like a basic cake.

With a quick run to the shops and a few slight adjustments we can take that cake and dress it up.

Lets take the cake example and make it an iron shortsword. No frills, cheap and easy and gets the job done. Not much on the wow factor though. 

Melee range
1D6 damage
5 - 7 gold

However, sharpening the blade (+1 damage), switching the hilt (less weight), improving the balance (+1 to hit), reforging the metal (steel for 1d8 rather than 1d6 or even silvered to fight back the undead) and adding compartments (more carry options) are all cheap, easy ways to improve upon the weapon. 

The best part is that all of these can be quest materials! The mines have been overrun by three armed albino cave tribes? The woods have become infested with reversed spider men? (Think carapace upper body with eight fleshy human legs). Better get going and sort them out. 

Your average backwater town blacksmith shouldn't have every sword and suit of armour just lying around. Its unrealistic, boring and frankly lazy and it rips players out of the game.

Leave that to the video games and make your players quest for those upgrades.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - G

Giant Burrowing Cockroach - Munching on mulch, feasting on fallen foliage, gobbling on gums and snacking on stalks. Borrowing mounds push through the undergrowth. A mobile natural recycler. 

Init -2; Atk bite +0 (1); AC 11; HD 2D8; MV 20' or burrow 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will -1; AL N; NE 3D8


Giant Clam - interlocking lids lurch open. A forearm thick muscle oozes out from between the colossal cracks. The flashing strobe like algae drawing in prey closer. The lips lock shut, grinding flesh, powdering bone.

Init -3; Atk bite +2 (2d6); AC 17; HD 3D8; MV  0'; ACT 1d20; SP Ref save 13 or grappled; SV Fort +5 Ref -3 Will -1; AL N; NE 1


Goanna - Every aspect under the blazing sun. Australia's dragon in colours of green, brown, red, yellow, blacks and whites. Striped, splotched, speckled and circled. Venom that causes flowing fresh blood, non stop crimson tides. Bulky and scaled all fang and claw covering the range of the terror continent.

Init -1; Atk bite +3 (1d6); AC 13; HD 2D6; MV 30' or climb 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save 12 or 1 damage recurring until healed.; SV Fort +2 Ref -1 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D3


Goliath Stick Insect - An invisible horror, lurking low in the leafs. Apple green against the gums, stalking prey. Gently, carefully, tenderly reaching out and caressing an exposed neck. Slow as sap the willow thin arm bends at the joints locking around the victims neck and squeezing. 

Init +2; Atk claw +2 (1d8); AC 14; HD 3D8; MV 30' or climb 30'; ACT 2d20; SP +5 to sneak and hide rolls, Ref save 14 or grappled ; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +1; AL N; NE 1


Great White Shark - serial killer cold eyes deep blue like the surrounding surf. Mottled skin swaying back and forth tail snapping to and fro. Mouth wide with serrated saw blades ripping and tearing flesh and muscle. God of the sea. The Great White. 

Init +2; Atk bite +5 (3d8+2); AC 14; HD 4D8; MV swim 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +3 Ref -2 Will -3; AL C; NE 2

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

TTRPGS - My love of orbs or how to quest for magical items.

When I think of your typical wizard I see an old man stooped over at a desk, back crooked with age, fingers like ancient wood all knotted and twisted, eyebrows furrowed and bushy resembling twin dark caterpillars.

And between his hands, the object of such concentration. An orb, a shining, shimmering, twinkling brilliant orb.

Covering all of the hues of the rainbow and ranging from crystal clear to a murky blur. I think orbs are due for a resurface within the TTRPG community.

How do we add these magical artifacts to our games? Are they found? Created? Wished into existence?  I say all of the above and more. 

What's important is the story behind the orb. How was it created? Why was it wished for? Who found it? These are the questions that build quests that build campaigns.

Further questions and plot hooks continue, what base material was used in the cast? Was any other material used? What forge was it cast in? What heat was used? 

With these basic questions suddenly a wizards quest for his own personal orb could take years of time to complete.

Have an orb on the house.

Sanguine Orb: 1 handed, when a spell damages a target the wielder of the orb recovers 1 hit die worth of damage.

Recipe: A pound of virgin sand combined with the ground body of a vampire count. Melted in a thrice blessed Kiln that has been fired by willow stakes used to slay the counts spawn. Cast when a full moon is setting and a new sun rises.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - F


Fairy penguin - Feathery flippers flutter as an army of penguins march across the beach searching for the next meal. A coastal conquest from horizon to horizon as the army gathers more members, slowly swarming over the land. Predator and prey become the next meal as the horde swarms. The Fairy Penguin.

Init +1; Atk peck +0 (1); AC 6; HD 1d4; MV 20' or swim 30'; ACT 8d20; SV Fort 0 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N ; NE 2D30


Flatback sea turtle - A still blue horizon slowly swells and shifts. The water bulges as a mass breaches, an island of coral, seaweed and barnacles bursts forth. White foam washes away as waves push outwards. A cracking sound like trees snapping can be heard as ancient eyelids open. The Flatback sea turtle

Init -3; Atk +3 bite (2d8); AC 18; HD 4D8; MV 10; or swim 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +4 Ref -3 Will +3; AL N; NE 1


Frill neck lizard - Shimmering shifting scales spin continuously, colours spin and meld as the mouth opens wide. Prey sits stunned as predator slowly approaches, a kaleidoscope of visual death flickers forward. The Frill neck lizard

Init +1; Atk bite +2 (1d6); AC 11; HD 1D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Will save or charmed for 1D3 rounds; SV Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -0; AL N; NE 1D4

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - E


Eastern Brown Snake - Vision blurring and speech slurring. Scaled small head popping in and out of vision, fangs bared. Death's head venom drops drip from serrated syringes. Man killer. The Eastern Brown Snake.

Init +2; Atk bite +2 melee (1d4); AC 12; HD 1D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save 13 or death, dmg 2D6 on save; SV Fort - 0 Ref +2 Will -1; AL N; NE2


Eastern Long Neck turtle - Hunkered down defense defiantly patient against predators. Air becomes thick with an overbearing smell, eyes water, nostrils burn, throat raw. With spring like swiftness snapping out of the shell to strike. Eastern Long Neck Turtle.

Init -2; Atk bite +2 melee (2d4+2); AC 18; HD 3d8; MV 15' or swim 30'; ACT 1d20;  SP Fort save 11 or blinded; SV Fort +5 Ref  -2 Will +2; AL N; NE 1


Echidna - Digging towards predators with a back resembling a pricking pincushion. Offense and defense working perfectly in tandem. Predators struggle to gain purchase as quills puncture pores. Curved claws slash and tear, while quills prick and stick. The Echidna.

Init +1 ; Atk claw +3 (2d4+2); AC 13; HD 2D8; MV 20' or digging 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Dex save or melee attackers take 1D6; SV Fort +3 Ref +1 Will -2 ; AL N; NE 1D4


Emu - Five feet and fifty kilos tearing tracks across the scrub. A head bobbing and weaving, unbroken eye contact. Booming caws as claws strike down tearing and shredding defenses. The attack is bloody, brutal and swift. The Emu.

Init +3; Atk claw +2 (1d4+1); AC 12; HD 1d8; MV 50'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1; AL N ;NE 2D4


Euowenia - A god amongst marsupials, a half a tonne of towering presence. Crashing and Smashing through the bush, bashing rocks and trees, a behemoth of fur and flesh. Rearing up on hind legs, this tremendous titan falls foward front paws sending seismic shock waves throughout the land..

Init -3; Atk claw +5 (2d8+2); AC 16; HD 4D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Shockwave: ref save 15 or knocked prone; SV Fort +5 Ref -3 Will +2; AL N; NE 1

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - D


Dingo - Long howls bounce off desert dunes. A pack of predators overlap and flow stalking prey. A combination of colours tan, grey, black and ginger encircle the victim. Darting in and out, constant attacks, hackles raised and teeth bared. Bones snap, predator frenzy, marrow drunk. Screams amongst the sand. The Dingo.

Init +1; Atk bite +1 melee (1D4+1); AC 11; HD 1D6; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref  +1 Will -1; AL N ;NE 2D4


Diprotodon - A living tank of muscle, fur and bone. An awful temper only matched by destructive fury. Branches snap, scrub flattened, wildlife stomped, destructive pattern. Only ruin left in its wake.  The Diprotodon

Init -3; Atk stomp +3 melee (2D6+2); AC 17; HD 3D8; MV 20'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +3 Ref -3 Will -1; AL N; NE 1


Drop bear - spoken of in hushed whispers, laughed and joked about to scare travelers. The joke is real, very real. A rustle overhead in the bright green gums. Silence only for hell to erupt from on high. Shrieking, grunting, hooting and screaming it decends. A ten foot tall demon all squat, long armed, sharpened teeth, and gum stained. Grey and green, smelling of a chemical lab it bellows gouts of emerald fire, lifts it head high to the heavens and screams victory. The Drop Bear.

 Init +1; Atk claw +6 melee (2D6+6) or bite +8 (2D8+8); AC 17; HD 6D8+10; MV 40' or climb 30'; ACT 2d20; SP: Blows fire breath Ref save 17 or take 6D8 fire damage (Half with save); SV Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +4; AL C; NE 1


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - C

 Cassowary - A raptor wrapped in feathers and thrown into the future. Red, blue and black signs of a panicking manic attack. Five inch daggers on feet adept at kicking lower intestines out of bodies. Head turning to and fro listening to invisible deep vibrations. Deep eyes unblinking waiting for courage to fail. Furious flashes of talons taking strips of flesh fast. The Cassowary

Init +2; Atk claw +2 melee (2D4+1); AC 12; HD 2D8; MV 50' or swim 25'; ACT 1d20; SP: Cannot be suprised; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will -1; AL C; NE 1D2


Cockatoo -  A cry for help deep within the forest, crashing through brush and scrub seeking out the owner of the voice. The voice becomes desperate and raw but oh so closer. Rushing faster and faster the pace  becoming a dead sprint to help another fellow survivor in this hell of green and gold. Suddenly brilliant blue, tumbling ever downwards, the only scream is your own as you plummet down the cliff. Above on old branches yellow, pink and white. The Cockatoo.

Init +1; Atk peck +1 melee (1); AC 8; HD 1D4; MV Flying 40'; ACT 1d20; SP Can cast ventriloquism as a 12 - 13; SV Fort -1 Ref +1 Will +1; AL N; NE 4D10 


Corroboree frog - Noxious yellow and black, lymph nodes balloon as your hearts under attack. Loud squelches from all around, the swamps teems with life as hundred of amphibian bodies swell to create a tidal wave of firefly yellow and vantablack. Everything around you wriggles, crawls, burns and bites. The Corroboree frog.

Init +2; Atk bite +0 melee (0); AC 7; HD 1D4; MV 30' or swim 15'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save 13 or death, dmg 2D6 on save; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will -2; AL N; NE 2D6


Crocodiles - ancient eyes flick open. Primal predatorial senses switch on. Bones click like keyboard taps, muscle flex ridgid then relax. Movement slow to churning fast. Jaws crush and tear, rip and pull. Prey spun like clothes in an industrial washing machine. A scaled hell blender older than time. The Crocdile.

Init -2; Atk bite +4 melee 2D6+2; AC 16 ; HD 3D8; MV 20' or swim 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will -2; AL C; NE 1D4


Cuttlefish - A rainbow of coral and colours combine under the waves. A lurking alien intelligence that shimmers and shifts through a spectrum of hues. Appendages snap forward locking onto prey, yanking and twisting towards a sharpened snapping beak. Increased competition increases intelligence, predator bodies are hijacked and driven. Short lives extended. The Cuttlefish

Init -2; Atk tentacle +1 melee (1D4); AC 10; HD 2D4; MV swim 40'; ACT 1d20; SP casts Charm person at roll 14 - 17; SV Fort +1 Ref -2 Will +2; AL C; NE 1D3

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - B

Bandicoot - A joyous grunting can be heard, a shuffling snuffling sound moist and wet like a smokers lungs. The air slowly becomes thick with spores, obscuring vision, stifling smells, compressing and oppressing senses. The grunting grows louder as a dog sized marsupial barrels through the bushes, its back pregnant with mushrooms it blindly snaps its head back and forth seeking you out. The Bandicoot.

Init -1 ; Atk bite +2 melee (1d4); AC 13; HD 2D8; MV 20'; ACT 1d20; SP Poison (Fort DC 12 or death, dmg 2D6 on successful save); SV Fort +2 Ref -1 Will 0; AL N; NE 1


Barramundi - A creek cretin, a horrendous horror more at home in nightmares than rivers. White flesh sealed in scales, an appetite for adventurers, an eye fixed on anything edible. The tooth filled maw snaps and slashes at all within its path. The Barramundi

Init +1; Atk bite +2 melee (1d6+2); AC 14; HD 1D8; MV swim 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref +1 Will -1; AL C; NE 2D4


Blue tongue lizard -  Deep rich blue darting in and out. Scales sizzling in the red sand, eyes darting back and forth. Stillness becomes a sudden burst of movement as clawed limbs rip and tear into soft flesh. An oversized mouth slowly stretching over a paralyzed body, a brilliant blue tongue peeling off skin with every pass, flesh melts, muscles run, bones wither. The Blue tongue lizard.

Init -1; Atk claw +1 melee (1d4+1) or bite +2 melee (1d6+2); AC 15; HD 1D8; MV 30' or swim 10'; ACT 1d20; SP acid tongue (Fort DC 14 or armour melts, dmg 1D6 on successful save); SV Fort +2 Ref -1 Will -1; AL N; NE 1


Blue ringed octopus - An alien intelligence filled with an insatiable curiosity. Blue upon yellow upon blue, flashing in ascending and descending colours like an analog television caught mid seizure. A toxin that brings blessed bliss while probing appendages pluck wires in the brain. Piece by piece it dissects the living tissue, placing piles of grey matter in separate sections. Memories, pains, emotions, thoughts all are taken and sorted. The Blue ringed octopus 

Init -2; Atk tentacle +2 melee (1) and beak +2 melee (1d6); AC 10; HD 2D6; MV walk 20' or swim 40'; ACT 2d20; SP Poison (Will DC 15 or charmed for 1D4 rounds, 1D4 Stamina damage on successful save; SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will +2; AL N; NE 1


Bowerbird - Every new season brings increased competition. Common trinkets become tame, bright baubles are brief, gubbins and gizmos are glossed over. More extreme measure must be taken to ensure survival. Passion becomes desire, need becomes greed and every shiny gewgaw becomes game in order to carry on. Watch your fingers, necks and bags as this feathered bandit will stop at nothing. The Bowerbird

Init +2; Atk peck melee (1); AC 8; HD 1D6; MV 30' or fly 20'; ACT 1d20; SP +3 to sneak and hide rolls: SV Fort -1 Ref +2 Will -1; AL C; NE 1


Box Jellyfish -  Your body starts to shut down within the white waters. A network of wires immolated in an instant, your heart like a stuttering engine fails to pump life. Your body and its organs go haywire fighting each other for top spot within the survival list not knowing that nothing will. An unknown, unseen attacker floats forward, carefully caressing your supple skin. An infinite age of agony within seconds. The Box Jellyfish.

Init -2; Atk tentacle +1 melee (1D8 plus poison); AC 5; HD 1D4; MV swim 20'; ACT 1d20; SP Poison (Fort DC 14 or death, 2D8 damage on successful save); SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will -2; AL N; NE 2D6


Brolga - Blurs of Orange, white and grey dance in circles mocking prey. Sharpened spears spear skin and bone. As one stops to secrete saline the other thrusts through muscle. Tendons cut, nerves snipped, skin slashed, muscles clipped. The horror duet performed with precision. The Brolga

Init +2; Atk peck melee +2 (1D6); AC 12; HD 1D8; MV walk 30' or fly 30'; ACT 1d20;SP Saline sprays (Reflex save 12 or blinded for 1D3 rounds); SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will 0; AL N; NE 2


Bullockornis - Warriors whoop on feathered backs, talons high fighters scratched. Desert dunes red and cold, fowl sprinters horizons unfold. Painted dots, beaks glistening, word spread, mobs listening. The thunder bird.

Init +1; Atk peck melee +1 (1d8); AC 12; HD 2D8; MV walk 40'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D6


Burrunjor - A prehistoric horror all talons and teeth. Twenty foot long and ten tall this tyrant roams the countryside unhindered. Cattle and man both equal before this walking natural disaster. Homesteads obliterated, camps crushed, towns pillaged, stations demolished. It fears nothing and owns all. The burrunjor.

Init +1; Atk Claw +2 (2D6+2) or Bite +2 (2D8+2); AC 15; HD 3D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Charge: A brutal charge which adds +2 Att but -2 AC.; SV Fort +2 Ref +1 Will -1 ; AL C; NE 1

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - A


 For my ACC moster list I am starting in alphabetical order and working my way down the list, including mega fauna, cryptids and current Australian animals.

Agile Antechinus - An intense scurrying nearby your eyes snap awake. A palm sized marsupial rips through your bag mouth agape. Eyes wide, mouth drool, fingers locked and gripped. Body twitch, silent screams a hopeless addict. The Agile Antechinus

Init +3; Atk swarming bite +1 melee (1); AC 10; HD 1/2; MV 40' or climb 30'; ACT 1d20; SP +3 to sneak and hide rolls; SV Fort +0 Ref +2 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D20

Agile Wallaby - Righteous anger swells, a solitary soul becomes a cacophony of spirits. The predator turned prey as the attack continues from all sides. Hopping kicks and tails whip the group lashes out. The predator clawing at the pack, striking nothing but air. Victory turned to desperation as the pack circles in again. The Agile Wallaby

Init +2 ; Atk kick +1 melee (1D4); AC 11; HD  HD 1; MV 30' or Jump 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +1  Will -1 ; AL N; NE 1D8

Australian Magpie - A warbling wail pierces the air, you stop stock still. Eyes darting back and forth, breath becomes ragged. Phantom pain on the back of your head as you expect imminent bloodshed. The sound of flapping sets the teeth on edge, a black and white blur streaks past you and turns for another pass. A manic anger on wings, like a flying race flag dive bombing demon. The Australian Magpie.

Init  +1; Atk peck +1 melee (1D3); AC 9; HD 1/2; MV Flying 60'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1  Ref +2  Will +0; AL C; NE 2D4

Australian Sea Lion - From timid and tame becomes frenzied and fierce. Megafauna forced evolution, the sea runs rusty red as the lion bursts from the spray. Frozen mid leap, long claws and paws outstretched, eyes blazing, mane twisting, snarls and snaps as it's back flipper claps back against the water. The Australian Sea Lion. 

Init +1; Atk Bite +6 melee (1d6+1) or claw +4 melee (1d 4+1); AC 14; HD 2; MV 15' or Swimming 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref +1 Will -2 ; AL; NE 3

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures


Australia has always had a large collection of dangerous and poisonous animals. Man killing spiders, venom dipped octopuses, stomach tearing birds, neck snapping marsupials, salt water blenders with scales, blood drinking bugs striking faster than 5000 times the blink of an eye, ocean based box shaped poison dispensers, a horrendous amount of deadly snakes, bird eating spiders, great white butchers of the sea and black and white living missiles to name a few.

The scariest part is that this is a handful of Australia's deadliest animals. This doesn't include the megafauna that only recently stalked the great red continent. 

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you ask) most of the megafauna was wiped out due to natural climate disasters within the area. ACC is the question of "What if those events didn't happen?". A version of Australia that was still teeming with 200kg wombats, lizards the size of buses, 11 foot tall kangaroos, 7 metre long crocodiles, thylacolea carnifex better known as the marsupial lion, a ten metre tall bird weighting half the amount of a car. 

An Australia which was more coastal than arid desert. A country in which at first was to be a penal colony but then became a to explore and document. A more fantasy based Australia, an Australia lost to time in which we didn't come as settlers but as researchers and adventurers.

A list of 100 different Australian Animals both past and present. I'll be starting in alphabetical and working my way through current, cryptid and megafauna Australian animals. Also delving into how current Australian animals would evolve knowing that megafauna still exist. Could we find redback spiders the size of cats if their prey was megafauna marsupials? Would we have a new beast of burden in the Diprotodon?

I look to create a more savage, fantastical, mythical and brutal Australia for people to play in. I present the Animals of Australasia.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Dream Weapons/Items/Armour


These are an example of Australian themed dream weapons, items and armour. I encourage judges to research and learn about Australian legend while creating dream objects.

Blood Sucker - Body after body sprawled at odd angles in the red setting sun. Shriveled dry husks like opened moth cocoons, hands all outreached to the sky. A lone warrior holding high a colossal club, screaming, his back illuminated by the blood red orb, eyes wide, lost in frenzy.

The blood sucker is a +1 cursed weapon created from stuffing a club within the body of a great Yara Ma Yha Who. Any target wounded by Blood Sucker takes an additional 1D3 damage and transfers it to the wielder. The Blood Sucker is a simple sentient weapon and will urge its wielder to bathe it in ever increasing amounts of blood.

Night's Wisdom - A great boomerang arcing across the ink black sky. Bringing with it stars to shine down upon the red land. The curved white crescent shooting across the cape, skipping on the waves before soaring towards the heavens. The elders wisdom that nothing should be judged at first appearance.

The night's wisdom is a +1 heavy boomerang that when thrown casts cantrip at level 12 - 13 (DCC  pg 130). On a roll of 1 Night's Wisdom will fly high into the sky and vanish into another celestial body.

Outlaw Skin - flashes of flint smoke, the whine of fast metal like hornets through the air, pings like that of a hot rod engine cooling down. The men stare in disbelief as the metallic figure trudges towards them. Ignoring the shot smashing into it, the crude imitation of the knights of old raises a metal decked arm and unleashes hell upon the law. 

Horror starts to rise up like bad ale on the morning after, nothing seems to stop this inhuman being as it slowly, calmly levels the men. The human inside the armour is long gone, any trace wiped away by the burning vengence felt. Frenzied eyes flicker towards the south and the metal juggernaut starts to move once again.

The Outlaw Skin is a +2 iron bolted armour that can only be worn by those with a vengeful goal. Created from the fevered flames of an bitter convict smithy this armour once donned lays down a horrifying curse. Once per day the wearer can ignore dropping to 0 HP once, instead gaining 1D6 hit points and raising back to life. Each time this happens the armour draws from the body using it like an engine to push forward. The wearer loses a point in strength, agility or stamina (Rolled randomly) permanently.

Red Backs Blood - This toxin slowly sizzles away. Shade of pearl with red flecks it slithers down the sides of bottles and blades. So putrid it pits steel, boils veins, scrapes the skin away. Like a localised inferno it infects the body, quickly spreading throughout the highway of veins, muscle, tissue and bone until the affected target seizes up in shock. 

Affected target must succeed on a DC 15 Fort save or fall unconscious for 1d6 hours.

Squires Change - A chipped and cracked bottle impossibly holding together despite the thousand of hairline fractures running its length. The pungent smell of pine and earth wafting from the open neck, the underside of the cork emblazoned with crossed spades. Warm liquid light, amber bright sloshing within the bottom. 

A magical bottle which has the ability to change any stored liquid into another liquid. Oddly enough the liquid will turn to a pungent ale each morning.

Sky Strike - A spear crafted from Mamaragan's wrath. Last seen clutched in the hands of a mortal his arm blackened, charred and cracked, lobster red boiled muscle spider webbed along its length. This ancient weapon sends bolts from the blue smashing and tearing across the country the smell of ozone heavy in the air. 

Sky Strike is a +1 Javelin create from a tree struck by lightning. The wielder of Sky Strike may cast the Lightning Bolt spell (DCC page 222). On a roll of 1 Sky Strike erupts in an explosion of arcing lightning and splinters killing the wielder.

The Haunting Headress - A desert dragons scalp resting upon the shamans brow, it's toothy maw jutting over his head. The beasts skin sits upon his back cloaking him from the brutal sun. The spine of the creature comes to life as the man walks, snapping to and fro it carves trails within the red sand. Small beads of potent poison flow from the mantle and through the bone spine, leaving a trail of noxious scars across the land.

The Haunting Headress is a hunting trophy passed down from generation to generation. A Megalania's carcass skinned and woven into a heavy scaled cloak. After thousands of years the poison still exists, slowly, carefully collecting itself and dripping like noxious honey upon the earth.

A +1 hide armour that collects and coats the wearer in an ancient bacterial infection. Becoming a living viral abomination the wearer gains a bite attack of 1d6. Affected targets must succeed on a DC 15 For save or die, due to the age of the headress this ability can only be used once per day.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Dreaming


 A central theme to the Indigenous Australian spiritual belief system is the concept of  "The dream time". A time before land, sea, sky and man, a time in which nothing existed until it was created by the spirits. 

The spirits made the rivers, streams, water holes, land, hills, rocks, plants and animals. The spirits then gave the aboriginal people land for each tribe, hunting tools, totems and their dreaming.

In time the ancestor spirits arose from the land and seas. Shaping the earth and creating sacred sites to the Aboriginal people, who in turn performed sacred rituals and songs to give thanks and to keep the ancestor spirits alive.

The form and interpretation of the Ancestor spirits is determined by the tribe. Certain Aboriginal tribes believe the spirits took the form of animals others giant snakes (Such as the rainbow serpent). Some believe the spirits were the Wandjina or Gulinji, a group of cloud and rain spirits.

The Dreaming is the foundation of the Aboriginal religion and culture. Dating back almost 65,00 years ago the dreaming is the story of how the people came to be, the universe was created and the events that have taken place and shaped the world. 

A period of infinite time that encompasses past, present and future. A time of creation in which the Ancestor spirits made man, animals, natural law, rituals of life, death and marriage.

One of my main goals of ACC is to introduce Australian history to the world. I want to tell tales of sky spirits and lightning legends, of moon beam boomerangs skipping across the night sky. Of men from far off lands landing and exploring this chaotic new world. 

I look to incorporate a list of magical items and weapons that reference and explore both Indigenous Australian dreaming and of Colonial stories. While I will create a list of such weapons I encourage the judge to create their own Australian themed Dream weapons, you and your players will thank you for it. 

Delve into the deepest pits to pluck the gems of knowledge, break them down and mould them into your own creations.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Mimi



 You are the breath of the land, the ancient watchers. The desert defenders of the Australian animals, striking with fiery, fey fury on any who would seek them harm. The sky spirits sleeping in stone until the moons light creeps across craggy crevices. The hunter, the weaver, the fisher and the fire bringer. You are the Alpha. You are the Mimi.

Hit points - The Mimi gains 1D8 of hit points per level.

Weapon training - The Mimi is trained in Boomerang, Waddy/Boondi, Dagger, Handaxe, Javelin, Spear, Staff and Woomera. Mimi's do not wear armour, instead letting their tall, slender frame bend around the enemies attacks.

Alignment - The Mimi are shy spirits, sealing themselves away in the sunkissed stone until Bahloo is high in the sky. One can incur the Mimi's wrath by attacking their animal companions, and then they will see the fury of the spirits. Mimi's are lawful to neutral in alignment.

Nature spirit - The Mimi's have an incredible bond with the animals of Australia. Because of this they can cast the animal summoning spell at will using a 1d20 + caster level + personality modifier.

Sailing on the sky - Mimi's tall thin frames allow them to catch the wind for short periods of time. A Mimi can cast the Fly spell three times per day as if they had rolled a 16 - 17.

Action die -  A Mimi can use his action die for attack rolls or spell checks.

LevelAttackACCritdie/Tableaction diereffortwill
43+3+1d14/IV1d20 + 1d142+2+1+
54+3+1d16/IV1d20 + 1d163+2+1+

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Bunyip


 You are the whispered one, it that walks from the billabong. The slimy stagnant water pooling and pouring. The ancient underground creeks, flowing brackish and blackish. The dirt red rank river riveting men to come underneath to drown. You are the demon in the water, The Bunyip.

Hit points - The Bunyip gains 1D5 hit points per level.

Weapon training - The Bunyip is trained in these weapons: Waddy/Boondi, Dagger and Staff. The Bunyip uses twisted elemental bush magic to protect itself from attackers.

Alignment - The Bunyip is a wicked watery spirit that inhabits billabongs, rivers and creeks. Many a tale tells of men, women and children being dragged under the water by the savage man eater. Bunyips are always chaotic in nature.

Magic - Being of the land itself the Bunyip can twist and control the spiritual and animalistic magics. This allows them to control the elements and use them to their advantage.

To cast a spell, a Bunyip makes a spell check. The spell check is made like any other check: roll 1d20 + Intelligence/Personality modifier + caster level. If the Bunyip succeeds he casts an ancient elemental magic

Billabong's unluck - Bunyips are vile devils that prey on humanity, a dread aura hangs around them affecting all human mortals who dare go near. Because of this a Bunyip burning luck gains multiple features.

Firstly, a Bunyip doubles the bonus of burning Luck. For every 1 point of Luck expended, a Bunyip gains a +2 to its roll.

Secondly, a bunyips dread aura recovers daily to a limited extent. The Bunyip's Luck score recovers each night by a number of points equal to its level. This method cannot take the score above its natural maximum however.

Thirdly, the Bunyip can choose to engulf others within the aura. The Bunyip can curse both humans and its enemies with bad luck while also blessing allied demi humans with natural good luck.

Action Die - A Bunyip can use its action die for attack rolls, spell check or Unlucky rolls.

LevelAttackCritdie/Tableaction dieKnown spellsMax spells levelreffortwill

Monday, June 6, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Yowie


  You are the outback's shadow. The fang and fury of the bush made manifest. The silent silhouette between the green gums trees. The unknown observer on the red deserts dunes. Making your way in this chaotic ancient land, you are the Yowie.

Hit Points - A Yowie gains 1D12 hit points per level.

Weapon training -The Yowie forgoes weapons in favour of its deadly claws dealing 2d4 points of damage. The Yowie has no need for armour as its natural hide protects it from the brunt of most attacks.

Alignment - Yowies tend to have a wide range of personalities from the savage stalker to the shy recluse, because of this Yowies can be of any alignment.

Bite attack - The Yowie has adapted to fighting with both claw and teeth. A Yowie gains a secondary bite attack rolling a D14 (rather than a D20) to hit. The Bite attack inflicts 1D6 points of damage. Yowies with multiple action dice (levels 5+) still receive only one shield bash each round.

Infravision - A Yowie can see in the dark up to 60’.

Yowie Roar - A Yowies piercing roar can instill terror in even the most seasoned of travellers. Any creature within range of the roar make an morale check. (Rolling 1D20 and adding the creatures will save.  A result of 11 or higher is success – the creature can keep fighting. On a 10 or less, the check is failed – the creature attempts to flee the combat.)

Action die - A Yowie can use their action die for attack rolls and the Yowie Roar.

LevelAttackACCritdie/TableAction DieRefFortWill

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Outback healer


 You are the sunburnt country. The red sands in the central deserts. The lightning in the northern rain forests. The arctic chill in the southern depths. The white beaches to the east and the ancient stones to the west. You are the both the raging storm and the gentle spring.

Hit points -The Outback Healer gains 1D6 hit points per level.

Weapon Training - A Outback Healer is trained in these weapons: Boomerang, Waddy/Boondi, Dagger, Handaxe, Javelin, Spear, Staff and Woomera. Medicine Men rarely wear armour

Alignment - The Outback healer follows a lawful alignment, always seeking to aid the fellow members of the mob.

Magic - The Outback healer is always in alignment with the surrounding land. The Outback healer can tap into a purer form of spiritual and animalistic magic. This allows them to control the elements and take on the aspect of the animals around them.

To cast a spell, a Outback Healer makes a spell check. The spell check is made like any other check: roll 1d20 + Intelligence/Personality modifier + caster level. If the Outback healer succeeds he casts an ancient elemental magic

Bush medicine -  The Outback healer can use a combination of natural ingredients and spiritual help to ease both physical and spiritual wounds. This Bush medicine can only be used a certain number of times per day.

Action Die - A Outback Healer can use their action die for attack rolls, spell checks or Bush medicine. 

LevelAttackCritdie/tableaction dieBush medicine dieKnown spellsMax Spell levelRefFortWill
10+1d6/I1d201d3 (X2)311+0+1+
21+1d6/I1d201d4 (X3)411+0+2+
31+1d8/I1d201d5 (X4)521+1+2+
42+1d8/I1d20+1d121d6 (X5)621+1+3+
52+1d10/I1d20+1d141d7 (X6)722+1+3+
63+1d10/I1d20+1d161d8 (X7)832+2+3+
73+1d12/I1d20+1d201d10 (X8)932+2+4+
84+1d12/II1d20+1d201d12 (X9)1043+2+4+
94+1d14/II1d20+1d201d14 (X10)1243+3+4+
105+1d16/II1d20+1d20+1d141d16 (X12)1454+3+5+

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Fumbles


 ACC fumbles and criticals mostly follow the same pattern as those found within the Dungeon Crawl Classics core book. However like Mutant crawl classics I have added slight tweaks to add some Aussie charm.

  • 0 - You miss wildly but miraculously cause no other damage.

Creating a TTRPG: ACC equipment list - Weapons


Like the armour within my ACC game I have made some simple adjustments to stay more in line with the time period. Certain weapons while not used within the time period will remain to create a more fantasy style (such as the Battle Axe and Bows).

Battle Axe1d10-7GP
Large Boomerang1d8100'10GP
Brass Knuckles1d4-5GP
Flintlock Rifle1d880/160/24080GP
Woomera2+X2 Range10GP

Creating a TTRPG: ACC equipment list - Armour


 For ACC I have added some armour types with a more authentic Australian feeling. While leather protective armour wasn't a common source within the early settlement period of Australia I wanted to still have a fantasy element of "what if?"

Armour AC BonusCheck PenaltySpeedFumble DieCost
Studded Leather3+-2 d845
Tin 4+-4-5'd1480
Iron Bolted armour6+-6-10'd16250
Steel Armour7+-7-10'd16500

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Settler


  You are one of the free folk, a traveling spirit. A pioneer landing on distant shores seeking adventure. A pilgrim looking for a simpler life in far off lands. A wanderer of the world staking your claim in the heart of a chaotic land.

Hit Points: The Settler gains 1D10 Hit Points per level

Weapon Training: A Settler is trained in these weapons: Blunderbuss, Club, Dagger, Flintlock Musket, Handaxe and Staff. Settlers wear whatever armour they can create or purchase.

Alignment: Immigrants come from peasant stock and walk down all paths of life. Some may turn to a life of crime like the convicts they shared boats with. Some may continue to hold the laws and values of a land once called home. And some may ignore all others and simply exist within the chaotic country.

Adaptability: The free people that landed on Australia's shores had to be quick to adapt to the alien environment. From blistering heats, torrential flooding, brutal storms and humid downpours Australia was a very different land compared to that of England. 

Starting at first level the Settler has an adaptability dice of 1D2. During each round of combat the dice will continue up the dice chain until used. The adaptability dice can be used for attack, damage or save rolls. When the adaptability dice is used it will start at the beginning of the chain.

As an example, a 1D3 adaptability dice will become a 1D5 after two round of combat (1D3 - 1D4 - 1D5), when used it reverts back to a 1D2

Resilience: At first level, a Settler's luck modifier applies to the AC bonus of a specific type of armour. The type of armour must be chosen at first level and the modifier is fixed at its starting value. Neither the armour nor value can be changed throughout the Settlers career.

Action Die: A Settler can use their action dice for any normal activity, including attacks and skill checks.

LevelAttackadap dieCrit die/TableAction dierefFortWill

Creating a TTRPG: ACC D100 Occupation Classes


A main feature of Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classic is the abundance of tables, one such is the D100 occupation table. From Alchemist to Gongfarmer DCC allows you to quickly create a characters background profession from a large selection of medieval occupations.

In ACC I have created a D100 occupation table with an Australian twist. While some jobs will carry over from the original DCC table, I have added and taken out to fit the overall theme. As the overall purpose of ACC is to incorporate Australian history I have included indigenous Australian tribal roles within the table. 

While the Indigenous Australian roles are historically accurate the demi human (Bunyip, Skinshifter and Yowie) occupation roles are purely fantasy and are created to have no correlation between the two.

RollOccupationTrained weaponTrade goods
1Able SeamanSabreBottle of grog
2Animal trainerClubPony
3BagmanDaggerSmall Chest
4BarberRazor (Dagger)Scissors
5BeadleStaffHoly Symbol
6BeekeeperStaffJar of honey
7BlacksmithHammer (Club)Steel tongs
8BrewerMasher (Club)Bag of hops
9ButcherCleaver (Axe)Side of Mutton
10Bunyip ButcherFlint Cleaver (Axe)Slab of mutton
11Bunyip CookFlint Club (Club)Clay pot
12Bunyip DancerFlint Dagger (Dagger)Handful of leaves
13 - 14Bunyip FeralFlint javelinSevered fingers
15Bunyip GathererFlint javelinDillybag
16Bunyip HunterFlint JavelinBoomerang
17 - 18Bunyip OutlawFlint Club (Club)Collected bones
19Bunyip ShamanBone Staff (Staff)Belt of gum leaves
20Cheese MakerCudgel (Staff)Stinky cheese
21CobblerAwl (Dagger)Shoehorn
22 - 24ConstableFlintlock MusketRope 10'
25Cooper Crowbar (Club)Barrel
26Corroboree DancerFlint knife (Dagger)Bilma
27Corroboree SingerFlint knife (Dagger)Gum leafs
28Corroboree PlayerFlint knife (Dagger)Yidaki
29Coster mongerKnife (Dagger)Fruit
31Ditch diggerShovel (Staff)Fine dirt, .5KG
32Dock workerPole (Staff)Small book of poems
33Farm servantDaggerLength of rope
34 - 48FarmerPitchfork (Spear)Hen**
49Fire makerFlint knife (Dagger)Fire sticks
50GongfarmerTrowel (Dagger)Bag of night soil
51Grave diggerShovel (Staff)Trowel
52House maidRolling pin (Club)Bag of flour
53 - 57HunterFlintlock MusketAnimal pelt
58Mimi DancerFlint knife (Dagger)Kangaroo skin shoes
59Mimi HunterFlint javelinAnimal pelts
60 - 61Mimi GathererFlint javelinDillybag
62Mimi ScoutFlint javelinKangaroo skin shoes
63 - 64Mimi Stone strider
Flint Cleaver (Axe)Severed fingers
65Mimi ShamanLong Branch (Staff)Pouch of gum ash
66Mimi TrackerLong Branch (Staff)Rope 10'
67Mimi WarriorFlint javelinBone mask
68ShepardCrook (Staff)Bundle of wood
69 - 72StockmanFlintlock MusketSide of beef
73SurgeonScalpel (Knife)Bundle of bandages
74TailorScissors (Dagger)Bolt of wool
75 - 82Tribal hunterJavelinAnimal pelt
83 - 88Tribal gathererDigging stick (Dagger)Dillybag
89Tool makerJavelinFlint chips
90Wise manFlint knife (Dagger)Gum leafs
91Wood cutterHandaxeBundle of wood
92 -93Yowie BrewerStaffClay pot
94Yowie HunterFlint javelinRope 10"
95 -96Yowie Medicine manLong Branch (Staff)Pouch of gum leaves
97 - 98Yowie MysticLong Branch (Staff)Pouch of gum nuts
99Yowie ShamanLong Branch (Staff)Bone dagger
100Yowie TrackerFlint javelinKangaroo skin shoes

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC Classes - The Bushranger


 You are a criminal reborn, a man of the bush. A lone soul wandering the wastes surviving off the land. A brutal gang leader running from the law gun in hand. A reborn spirit forming a bond with the alien landscape you find yourself in. You have escaped your bonds and have struck out into the wilds. You are, The Bushranger.

Hit Points: The Bushranger gains 1D8 Hit Points per level

Weapon Training: A Bushranger is trained in these weapons: BattleAxe, Blunderbuss, Boomerang, Club, Dagger, Flintlock Musket, Handaxe, Javelin, Longbow, Sabre, Shortbow, Sling, Spear, Staff and Woomera. Bush rangers tend to use lighter armour, as it can affect their skills.

Alignment: Most bushrangers come from convict stock and veer towards the chaotic or neutral at best. 

Convict skills: The Bushranger is able to use a handful of convict skills such as sneak silently, hide in shadows, handle poison and climb sheer surfaces.

Magic: Years of living in the wilds has allowed the bushranger to tap into a primitive form of magic. An amalgamation of elemental and animalistic bush craft that has resulted in simple spells used to aid the bushranger in survival.

To cast a spell, a bushranger makes a spell check. The spell check is made like any other check: roll 1d20 + Intelligence/Personality modifier + caster level. If the Bushranger succeeds he casts an ancient elemental magic

Action Die: A bushranger can use his action die for attack rolls or spell checks.

Level Attack Crit Die/Table Action Die Known Spells Max Spell LevelRef Fort Will
1 +1 1d7/II 1d20 21+0+1 +1
2 +11d8/II 1d20 3
1+1 +1 +1
3 +2 1d8/II 1d20 41+1 +1+2
4 +21d10/II 1d20 52+1+2 +2
5 +31d12/II 1d20+1d12 6
2+2 +2+2
6 +31d12/II 1d20+1d14 7
2+2 +2+3
7 +41d14/II1d20+1d16 8
2+2 +2+4
8 +41d14/III1d20+1d18 83+2+3+4
9 +51d16/III1d20+1d20 10
3+3 +4+4
10 +61d18/III 1d20+1d20+1d1212

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Birth signs and lucky rolls


 One of the steps on my checklist is to create a unique D30 Birth sign system for ACC. A main goal of ACC is to introduce more people to Australian indigenous history and the native wildlife that inhabits this amazing country. If you don't understand a word I encourage you to research the term and learn more about this country that I call home.

D30 Birth Augur and Lucky Roll1 Dingo's jaw: All attack rolls2 South Devil: Melee attack rolls3 The Magpie: Missile fire attack rolls4 The Kangaroo: Unarmed attack rolls5 Conceived on Camel: Mounted attack rolls6 Great White's bite: Damage rolls7 Path of the Cassowarie: Melee damage rolls8 Yowie's arm: Missile fire damage rolls9 Tribe hunter: Attack and damage rolls for 0-level starting weapon10 Convict's hands: Skill checks (including thief skills)11 Crow's wit: Find/disable traps12 Gum nut's luck: Find secret doors13 Blood of the Bluetounge: Spell checks14 Rainbow Serpent's grace: Spell damage15 Anjea's guidance: Turn unholy checks16 Blue ringed body: Magical healing*17 Under the Southern Cross: Saving throws18 Possum's luck: Savings throws to escape traps19 Survived gympie gympie sting: Saving throws against poison20 Pilbara Fly's leap: Reflex saving throws21 Survived the Pilbara desert: Fortitude saving throws22 Will of Cassius: Willpower saving throws23 Echidnas quills: Armor Class24 Dracula Ant's swiftness: Initiative25 Dilga's hand: Hit points (applies at each level)26 Kudna and Muda's eye: Critical hit tables**27 Born under sky fire: Corruption rolls28 The Desert storm: Fumbles**29 Lyrebird: Number of languages30 Tiger Beetle stride: Speed (each +1/-1 = +5’/-5’ speed)

TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

Pink and purple skin pulsates in patterns. Large eyes leer in loops, full figure eights. Unblinking eye contact draws the victim in. A timid...