Giant Burrowing Cockroach - Munching on mulch, feasting on fallen foliage, gobbling on gums and snacking on stalks. Borrowing mounds push through the undergrowth. A mobile natural recycler.
Init -2; Atk bite +0 (1); AC 11; HD 2D8; MV 20' or burrow 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will -1; AL N; NE 3D8
Giant Clam - interlocking lids lurch open. A forearm thick muscle oozes out from between the colossal cracks. The flashing strobe like algae drawing in prey closer. The lips lock shut, grinding flesh, powdering bone.
Init -3; Atk bite +2 (2d6); AC 17; HD 3D8; MV 0'; ACT 1d20; SP Ref save 13 or grappled; SV Fort +5 Ref -3 Will -1; AL N; NE 1
Goanna - Every aspect under the blazing sun. Australia's dragon in colours of green, brown, red, yellow, blacks and whites. Striped, splotched, speckled and circled. Venom that causes flowing fresh blood, non stop crimson tides. Bulky and scaled all fang and claw covering the range of the terror continent.
Init -1; Atk bite +3 (1d6); AC 13; HD 2D6; MV 30' or climb 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save 12 or 1 damage recurring until healed.; SV Fort +2 Ref -1 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D3
Goliath Stick Insect - An invisible horror, lurking low in the leafs. Apple green against the gums, stalking prey. Gently, carefully, tenderly reaching out and caressing an exposed neck. Slow as sap the willow thin arm bends at the joints locking around the victims neck and squeezing.
Init +2; Atk claw +2 (1d8); AC 14; HD 3D8; MV 30' or climb 30'; ACT 2d20; SP +5 to sneak and hide rolls, Ref save 14 or grappled ; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +1; AL N; NE 1
Great White Shark - serial killer cold eyes deep blue like the surrounding surf. Mottled skin swaying back and forth tail snapping to and fro. Mouth wide with serrated saw blades ripping and tearing flesh and muscle. God of the sea. The Great White.
Init +2; Atk bite +5 (3d8+2); AC 14; HD 4D8; MV swim 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +3 Ref -2 Will -3; AL C; NE 2
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