Thursday, June 2, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Birth signs and lucky rolls


 One of the steps on my checklist is to create a unique D30 Birth sign system for ACC. A main goal of ACC is to introduce more people to Australian indigenous history and the native wildlife that inhabits this amazing country. If you don't understand a word I encourage you to research the term and learn more about this country that I call home.

D30 Birth Augur and Lucky Roll1 Dingo's jaw: All attack rolls2 South Devil: Melee attack rolls3 The Magpie: Missile fire attack rolls4 The Kangaroo: Unarmed attack rolls5 Conceived on Camel: Mounted attack rolls6 Great White's bite: Damage rolls7 Path of the Cassowarie: Melee damage rolls8 Yowie's arm: Missile fire damage rolls9 Tribe hunter: Attack and damage rolls for 0-level starting weapon10 Convict's hands: Skill checks (including thief skills)11 Crow's wit: Find/disable traps12 Gum nut's luck: Find secret doors13 Blood of the Bluetounge: Spell checks14 Rainbow Serpent's grace: Spell damage15 Anjea's guidance: Turn unholy checks16 Blue ringed body: Magical healing*17 Under the Southern Cross: Saving throws18 Possum's luck: Savings throws to escape traps19 Survived gympie gympie sting: Saving throws against poison20 Pilbara Fly's leap: Reflex saving throws21 Survived the Pilbara desert: Fortitude saving throws22 Will of Cassius: Willpower saving throws23 Echidnas quills: Armor Class24 Dracula Ant's swiftness: Initiative25 Dilga's hand: Hit points (applies at each level)26 Kudna and Muda's eye: Critical hit tables**27 Born under sky fire: Corruption rolls28 The Desert storm: Fumbles**29 Lyrebird: Number of languages30 Tiger Beetle stride: Speed (each +1/-1 = +5’/-5’ speed)

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