Dingo - Long howls bounce off desert dunes. A pack of predators overlap and flow stalking prey. A combination of colours tan, grey, black and ginger encircle the victim. Darting in and out, constant attacks, hackles raised and teeth bared. Bones snap, predator frenzy, marrow drunk. Screams amongst the sand. The Dingo.
Init +1; Atk bite +1 melee (1D4+1); AC 11; HD 1D6; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N ;NE 2D4
Diprotodon - A living tank of muscle, fur and bone. An awful temper only matched by destructive fury. Branches snap, scrub flattened, wildlife stomped, destructive pattern. Only ruin left in its wake. The Diprotodon
Init -3; Atk stomp +3 melee (2D6+2); AC 17; HD 3D8; MV 20'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +3 Ref -3 Will -1; AL N; NE 1
Drop bear - spoken of in hushed whispers, laughed and joked about to scare travelers. The joke is real, very real. A rustle overhead in the bright green gums. Silence only for hell to erupt from on high. Shrieking, grunting, hooting and screaming it decends. A ten foot tall demon all squat, long armed, sharpened teeth, and gum stained. Grey and green, smelling of a chemical lab it bellows gouts of emerald fire, lifts it head high to the heavens and screams victory. The Drop Bear.
Init +1; Atk claw +6 melee (2D6+6) or bite +8 (2D8+8); AC 17; HD 6D8+10; MV 40' or climb 30'; ACT 2d20; SP: Blows fire breath Ref save 17 or take 6D8 fire damage (Half with save); SV Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +4; AL C; NE 1
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