Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Dungeon23 - 95/365. Room 95: Overseer's Office


Room 95: Overseer's Office

Stainless steel walls (Stainless steel walls, roof 10' and floor). Lightning (A cold white shaped crystal is inserted into the roof casting a sterile light.) Smell (Cold stainless steel and the slight scent of flower). Sounds (Clicks, whistles, beeps and chirps can be heard from this floor. A constant hum is constantly surrounding the characters setting teeth on edge. Monsters movement within the tanks). Touch (The walls are solid cold stainless steel). Furniture (A steel table, chair and bookshelf are within this room. A single white rose is placed in a crystal vase on the table)  Exits (An exits exist to the east heading back into the hallway).

A simple clean office complete with steel chairs, table and bookshelf. The shaped crystal in the ceiling gives off a cold white light. The single white rose in a vase on the table the only natural element.

East: Back into the cold stainless steel hallway.

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