Monday, April 3, 2023

Dungeon23 - 94/365. Room 94: Bio Tank Bank


Room 94: Bio Tank Bank

Stainless steel walls (Stainless steel walls, roof 16' and floor). Lightning (Odd lights appear from all around, throwing colours and hues at random intervals.) Smell (Cold stainless steel). Sounds (Clicks, whistles, beeps and chirps can be heard from this floor. A constant hum is constantly surrounding the characters setting teeth on edge. Monsters movement within the tanks). Touch (The walls are solid cold stainless steel). Furniture (This contains three giant tanks, one contains an organic soup, another seems empty and the last has a tentacles beast within.)  Exits (An exits exist to the west heading back into the hallway).

A connecting room from the main hallway, a single door leads into a tall roofed room. Three giant bio tanks stand on the east wall each seems to contain a different specimen. One is a giant slurry of organic soup, another looks to be a clear liquid and the last is a writhing, tentacles beast.

West: Back into the cold stainless steel hallway.

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