Tuesday, April 4, 2023

TTRPG creations: 205/365: The Bisected

The Bisected

Living limbs longing for the other half. Crawling cartilage drawing closer to a lost twin. Bodies splits sideways in long slits. Open wounds fused back together, closed and pinched shut. Recordings written down, noted and categorised. Left to explore the open twins lurch around in parallel lives, the disconnected brain attempting to record what it can. The experiment kept in a semi comatose state, sometimes awoken to carving incisions sliding within them. 

The bodies are often brought back together, becoming whole again. More studies are conducted, jotted down and stored away. The scrambled mass of grey matter attempts to connect the twin thoughts. The jumbled mess takes short cuts when possible, recreating imaginary memories and fabricating a life.

A swarm of twitching, rambling bisected bodies.

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