Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dungeon23 - 32/365. Room 32: Second Floor


Room 32: Second Floor

Natural Cavern (natural stone walls, roof 10' and floor). Lightning (A small amount of sunlight penetrates from the surface. This room is dimly lit) Smell (Loam, Dirt, dust and faint traces of mulch and animal rot). Sounds (Occasionally tapping can be heard from further down the mine shaft. Small bleats and yelps can be heard further within this level). Touch (Still soft and malleable, clay and fresh dirt). Exits (Two exits to the south and one to the north, east and west).

The Second floor opens into another elevator drop off room. Carved passageways have been cut in all directions (Some with man made tools and others with primitive picks).

North: The scent of mulch comes heavily from the north, a slight natural fluorescent glow can be seen. Fungi grows on the northern cavern walls.

South: Dragging and hooting can be heard coming from the south. Crude red paint warning signs have been carved into the rocks

East: The smell of wet charcoal and blood comes from the east. A dagger and multiple flint arrows are stuck in the wall.

West: Massive claw marks have been gouged into the western wall. Blue painted skulls have been set into the stone above the cave openings. The sound of picks striking stone can be heard.

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