Thursday, February 2, 2023

TTRPG creations: 144/365: Troglobilis Feral

Troglobilis Feral

 Shaggy and shambling, rolling and ripping through caves. Hair long and matted, running in long ragged roots touching the floor. Globs of grease grafted into grooves, batches of blood baked into body armour. A formidable follicle shell, two inches thick and as strong as steel. 

Knobbly knuckles drag upon the ground, crusty callouses layer upon layer. Cracked, chipped and stained snaggle teeth twisted and protruding. Leathery large lower lip. Blazing blood shot yellow eyes pierce the gloom.

They froth and foam, beating fists and heads against rocks and walls. Blood spray and eyes twitch, fists clenching, teeth cracking and heads click. Screeching and screaming they rush forward let loose by brother.

With claw, tooth, nail, bone, club, axe or hand they devour the foe.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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