Wednesday, February 1, 2023

TTRPG creations: 143/365: Troglobilis Trapper

Troglobilis Trapper

 Gnarled grippers gently grope the earth. Slowly and smoothly sliding along the slate. Rat gut nets held high, flint chips folded within. Hooked hands at the ready, long stranglers reaching around throats. Wet ash and mud mix muddled over muscle, cro-magnon cave camouflage. 

Cave darkness covers advance, all within are unaware. Predator eyes catch and reflect fire and torch light. Traps are set, darkness descends time for the hunt.

Sharpened bone shards litter well worn walkways. Fungus sap squelches and sucks treasure seekers in. Winding, wounding webs whip around waists. Ridged ropes rake across rib cages. Ice Centipedes corral and corner commoners. The net tightens in.

Whooping and shouting the hunt is on.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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