Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Bushmagic 2nd level - Dream touch

 Level: 2 Range: melee Duration: Varies Casting Time: 1 Round Save: PER


General: Using soul alteration the caster manipulations the targets spirit within the dreaming.

Manifestation: Roll 1d4:(1) The caster's hands take on a multicolored blurred after image; (2) A dreaming animal spirit appears over the top of the caster blurring the lines between spirit and human; (3) A pocket of the dreaming opens within five feet around the caster;  (4) Dreaming spirits surround the environment for the duration of the spell;

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) Body parts of the caster are lost within the dreaming giving them a spirit like appearance; (2) The casters body fuses with an animal from the dreaming giving them random animal features; (3-5) minor corruption; (6 - 7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire: Roll 1d3:(1) The caster is sent to the dreaming themselves floating through a soul like landscape for 1d4 turns; (2) The target is switched with a being from the dreaming; (3) The caster sends a random target within 30' to the dreaming for 1d3 turns;


1: Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint, (1-2) corruption, (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron), (4+) misfire.

2 - 11: Lost. Failure.

12 - 13: On a failed WIS save the target is sent to the dreaming for a turn. Within the dreaming they can take no actions until the reappear within the world.

14 - 17: On a failed WIS save the target is sent to the dreaming for 1d3 turns. Within the dreaming they can take no actions until they reappear within the world.

18 - 19: On a failed WIS save two targets spirits are switched for 1d3 turns. Both targets switch attributes for the duration of the spell.

20 - 23: On a failed WIS save two targets are sent to the dreaming for 1d4 turns. Within the dreaming they can take no actions until they reappear within the world.

24 - 27: On a failed WIS save the target is switched with a random friendly spirit within the dream time. (Use a wandering monster table to determine which spirit comes to your aid)

28 - 29: On a failed WIS save three targets are sent to the dreaming for 1d4 turns. Within the dreaming they can take no actions until they reappear within the world.

30 - 31: On a failed WIS save four targets spirits are switched for 1d6 turns. all four targets switch attributes for the duration of the spell.

32+: On a failed WIS save six targets are sent to the dreaming permanently winking out of existence.

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