Thursday, July 14, 2022

TTRPG Judge advice: Creating a creature and the environment


In my previous blog posts I discussed both creature creation and dungeon ecology. It's time to combine the two and create a unique monster and the dungeon ecology using said monster.

After rolling some dice I have created a rather unique monster. A large flying camel with a solid AC, powerful bite and a spit attack. A special feature is a cobra like hood the camel unfolds during combat. While the idea of a flying camel kicking through the air knobbly knees and all sounds pretty great I'm envisioning a higher being. A crossed legged camel, hands in raised gestures. A guardian of the sands, a keeper of desert knowledge.

Init +1; Atk bite +2 (1d8) and spit +1 (10/20/30 1d6); AC 15; HD 3D8; MV Flying 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +2 Ref +1 Will +1; AL N; NE 1

So we have the main monster, time to create the ecology surrounding it. A desert temple seems to fit well, with an oasis located in the lower floor. The temple of the ever spitting one.

If the creature is seen as a higher being it would have possibly attracted a group of humanoid followers, either as priests, servants or bodyguards. Camels natural predators are lions, therefore the followers would tame coyotes to combat this. Of course the leaders of the group could possibly walking the compound, so we add another to the wandering monster list. 

Time to add some natural predators to the list, this ruin was abandoned until recently so all sorts of nasty creepy crawlers would be using this as a home. And the holy animals (camels) would be present throughout the compound, allowed to come and go without restrictions.

Finally the final wandering monster would be our created creature himself, The Ever Spitter. Either hovering around while in a daze, giving holy blessings to followers or striking down the wicked non spitters.

So with a small amount of effort we have created a solid creature and a dungeon ecology to go with it in less than thirty minutes. With a quick map generator and a couple of rumours floating around at the local town or bazaar you have an adventure ready to go.

Wandering monsters 

  1. 1d4 Ever spitting priests
  2. 1d3 Guard coyotes 
  3. 1d2 Ever spitting guards with a high priest
  4. 1d4 scorpions or spiders
  5. 1d3 camels
  6. The Ever Spitter

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