Saturday, July 16, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Bushmagic 1st level - aspect of echidna

 Aspect of echidna - 

Level: 1 Range: self Duration: Varies Casting Time: 1 round Save: none

General: Serrated spikes sprout from spines. Fingers crack and snap adding knuckle to joint and joint to knuckle. Nails become hardened claws, vicious daggers. 

The caster takes on the appearance and features of an echidna. The caster must be familiar with the animal and have some material remnant to expend in casting the spell (e.g., hair, fur, paw, tooth, skull, ect.).

Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) The caster back erupts in a blanket of heavy quills; (2) The casters forearms and hands harden considerably; (3) an thorny aura surrounds the casters body; (4) The casters clothes grow long quills.

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) The caster takes on minor traits of an echidna, such as a snout, clawed fingers, beady eyes, ect.; (2) Caster grow patches of quills on body; (3-5) minor corruption; (6 - 7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire: Roll 1d4: (1) Caster grow sets of inverted quills piercing the skin and causing 1d4 damage; (2) a set claws grow at an uncontrollably rapid pace causing the caster to drop their weapon; (3) With a popping sound an echidna appears in place of the caster for 1d4 turns; (4) The caster grows a set of extremely hardened quills that shred any armour worn.

Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint, (1-2) corruption, (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron), (4+) misfire.

2 - 11: Lost. Failure.

12 - 13: The caster grows a set of protective spikes giving +1 to AC for 1d3 turns.

14 - 17: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that inflict 1d3 damage to melee attackers for 1d3 turns.

18 - 19: The caster grows a set of protective spikes giving +2 to AC for 1d4 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 10'.

20 - 23: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that give +1 to AC and inflict 1d4 damage to melee attackers for 1d4 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 15'.

24 - 27: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that give +2 to AC and inflict 1d4 damage to melee attackers for 1d6 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 20'.

28 - 29: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that give +3 to AC and inflict 1d6 damage to melee attackers for 1d6 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 25'.

30 - 31: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that give +4 to AC and inflict 1d6 damage to melee attackers for 1d8 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 30'.

32+: The caster grows a set of protective spikes that give +5 to AC and inflict 1d8 damage to melee attackers for 1d8 turns. The caster gains the ability to move underground for 40'.

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