White Lipped Tree Frog - King of frogs, squatting on lillypad and pond. Amphibian eyes lazily close, content within the kingdom. Insect rebellions stir amongst the waters. The king of creeks arises, Intruders surrender to the crushing weight.
Init +2; Atk bite +1 (1d4); AC 12; HD 1D6; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Leap: Can leap during combat +1 attack rolls.; SV Fort -1 Ref +2 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D6
Wolf Spider - quick thrumming tapping bouncing off slate stone. Torches turn to catch glimpses of pursuers. Four surrounds two all reflecting the fire light back. The eight limbs pounce upon prey knocking them down, pincers clicking and snapping. The young squirms down hairy long legs onto the potential meal.
Init +3; Atk bite +2 1d6; AC 13; HD 2D8; MV 30' or jump 30'; ACT 1d20+ 1d12; SP Fort save or 1D6 damage - Str save 14 or grappled; SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +1; AL N; NE 1 (1D50 young
Wombat - Short and powerful, stocky scrub smasher. Long claws digging longer tunnels, roots and grubs shredded before the earthen onslaught. Dense muscle shrugs off attacks from all directions, constant non ceasing movement.
Init -2; Atk bite +1 (1d6) or claw +1 (1d4); AC 14; HD 2D6; MV 30' or dig 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +3 Ref -2 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D4
Yabby - the knight of the depths, slowly clicking and clacking amongst the riverbeds. Stalked eyes stare amongst the currents, crustacean claws flex and creak. A challenger arises, a duel begins. Carapace smashes carapace as both collide, claws punch down, squeezing. Limbs snipped, stalks clipped the defeated decends down.
Init +1; Atk claw +3 (1d6+1); AC 15; HD 1D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Str save 14 or grappeled; SV Fort +2 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D4
Giant wombats and giant carnivorous kangaroos were real once upon a time.