Monday, July 18, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Bushmagic 1st level: Green Gum

 Green Gum -

Level: 1 Range: 30' Duration: Varies Casting Time: 1 Round Save: none


The caster creates a sticky green gum goop that slows enemies and creates a fire vulnerability.


Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) The casters hands become gum bark as sap starts to drip from them; (2) Gum trees burst from the ground and rain down sap; (3) The sap takes on the form of an animal and attacks the target; (4) The target starts to sweat gum sap from their pores;

Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) The caster continuously sweats gum sap leaving a sticky residue behind; (2) The caster slowly starts becomes a gum tree with limbs growing bark:  (3-5) minor corruption; (6 - 7) major corruption; (8) greater corruption.

Misfire: Roll 1d3: (1) The caster vomits up a large amount of green sap causing (1d6) damage; (2) The caster becomes entrapped within their own sap slowing movement and initiative rolls; (3) ;


1: Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire + patron taint, (1-2) corruption, (3) patron taint (or corruption if no patron), (4+) misfire.

2 - 11: Lost. Failure.

12 - 13: Target is covered in a sap suffering -1 on initiative rolls.

14 - 17: Target is covered in a sap suffering -1 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d3 for 1 turn.

18 - 19: Target is covered in a sap suffering -2 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d4 for 1 turn.

20 - 23: Target is covered in a sap suffering -2 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d4 for 2 turn.

24 - 27: Target is covered in a sap suffering -3 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d4 for 2 turn. Target is at -5' movement.

28 - 29: Target is covered in a sap suffering -3 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d4 for 2 turn. Target is at -10' movement.

30 - 31: Target is covered in a sap suffering -4 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d6 for 3 turn. Target is at -20' movement.

32+: Target is covered in a sap suffering -5 on initiative rolls. Target is also vulnerable to fire damage taking an additional d8 for 3 turn. Target is at -30' movement.

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