Sunday, June 11, 2023

Dungeon23 - 158/365. Room 158: Altar Room


Room 158: Altar Room

Old Moss Stone Walls (Old stone moss walls, floors and ceiling). Lightning (Deep thick black). Smell (Old, deep, musty, dank and burnt incense). Sounds (Creaks from the stones shifting). Touch (Old and forgotten). Exits (Old sodden swollen oak doors stand to the east and north west). Points of interest (An intricate altar stands to the south. A statue of a coiled serpent devouring a hand stands behind it. A secret cult stash has been left underneath a massive twenty foot stone slab at the northern point of the room).

A large stone room with a massive stone altar stands to the south of this room. Behind it is an intricately carved statue depicting a giant serpent devouring a hand.

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