Sunday, June 11, 2023

Dungeon23 - 157/365. Room 157: Trade Call


Room 157: Trade Call

Old Moss Stone Walls (Old stone moss walls, floors and ceiling). Lightning (Deep thick black. A single torch blazes above the eastern door). Smell (Old, deep, musty). Sounds (Creaks from the stones shifting, hushed whispers from the north. The eastern door squeals when opened). Touch (Old and forgotten). Exits (Old sodden swollen oak doors stand to the north, east and west. The east and west doors have started to rot. The northern door looks to have been reinforced). Points of interest (A northern hallway leads to a reinforced door. A stone blocked has been placed to the side of the hallway against the wall.).

A mostly empty room save for the large stone block pressed up against the northern wall. A hallway leads up to the north with a reinforced iron and wooden door.

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