Saturday, March 25, 2023

TTRPG creations: 194/365: Sulfur Addict

Sulfur Addict

Old ochre robes frayed and falling to pieces. Twin tracks traced through the tundra snow. Yellow sulfur and gunpowder black stain the white landscape. Skin stained soot black from years of experimentation. Fingers missing, stumps remain as shrapnel blows digits off. Hands oil thick, layer upon layer of flammable fluid seeps into the cracks. 

Teeth missing or cracked and snapped off. Long hair singed and sizzling, still and stiff. Massive mounds of blasted and burnt flesh. Layer upon layer of running liquid skin. Full fiery flasks knock against one another. Bandoliers of blasting powders and oodles of oil flasks.

Banned from Vitlanda's villages, towns, cities and states. In his wake is ash and misery.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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