Saturday, March 25, 2023

Dungeon23 - 84/365. Room 84: Room of the eye


Room 84: Room of the eye

Unnatural Cavern (Unnatural flesh walls, roof 14' and floor). Lightning (thousands of fat tallow candles light this room.) Smell (Rot and disease, spices, running fat and incense). Sounds (The constant contractions of the flesh walls, the iris of the eye slowly moving). Touch (The walls consist of purple flesh that has become taut and tight). Trap (A giant unblinking eye within the centre of the room casts charm person at any who stare at it. It will compel the person to push themselves into the walls). Exits (An exit to the north and south is pushed into the wall).

This room is the antechamber for the flesh cults greatest members. Thousands of human fat candles burn brightly throwing off odd shadows along the flesh walls. A giant unblinking eye sits within the ground, the iris moves in all directions.

North: A door of flesh and heavy bone stands to the north. The sound of skin scraping and prayers pierces from within. Imagery of the eye surrounds the walls.

South: The flesh of the door has eyes carved within. The sounds of chanting and the stench of incense wafts.

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