Wednesday, March 1, 2023

TTRPG creations: 170/365: Wailing Warrior

Wailing Warrior

Eerie ectoplasm drips along the passageway. Glowing gel goo gathers and pools together. Puddles the colour of neon green toxic frogs. The temperature takes a nose dive. Frost starts to gather in cracks and crevices upon the stone wall. The breath of adventurers blasts out from hot mouths.

A keening shriek quietly starts. A transparent hand pushes through the wall. An undead body follows, a former adventurer phases through the slate stone. Hovering a foot above the ground, body in a state of immortal decay. Eyes wide, white and locked onto the living. The mouth open and the low scream starting again.

Another incorporeal fortune hunter comes out from the floor, and another the ceiling. The hellish chorus continues to grow. As more float into view the blasting noise swells to maddening heights.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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