Monday, March 6, 2023

Dungeon23 - 65/365. Room 65: Fungal Experimentation Room


Room 65: Fungal Experimentation Room

Created Cavern (Created stone walls alive with fauna, roof 16' and floor). Lightning (The flora ground, walls and ceiling gives off a constant glow. Crystal hammered into the walls radiate a blinding white glow and boiling heat). Creatures (A dehydrated Sponge Ogre sits within the middle of the room moaning and gripping its skin). Smell (Loam, Dirt, pine, fungi and a combination of animal excrement and boiling glass). Sounds (Constant crawling throughout the grounds. Low moaning and scratching of skin). Touch (Soft, unhealthy and humid like a jungle hot bed. Boiling heat that saps the strength). Exits (An exit to the North and a massive gate to the south). Treasure (The desiccated remains of a fungi druid rest within the corner of the room. A fine wooden dagger and golden amulet are upon his corpse).

A larger holding cell containing a giant sponge monstrosity. Parts of the skin swell while others shrink in. Massive crystals within the ceiling give off a blinding white light and blast heat within the room. The husk remains of a druid are within the corner of the room. A massive swing gate sits to the south.

South: The massive swing doors sits to the south, a loop of chain comes under the door connecting the rooms. Another animal skull totem sits upon the top of the door.

North: The smell of mushrooms lingers from the North. Bubbling and splashing accompanied with a noxious smell comes from the north

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