Saturday, February 4, 2023

TTRPG creations: 146/365: Glacial Ogre

Glacial Ogre

 White and blue skin through the snow. Shaggy white and grey fur breaks up the pattern in the surrounding environment. Brutal jaws with jagged icicle teeth. Beady black flint chip eyes peer across the tundra landscape. A massive paw shields the eyes from the reflected sun. The brute lifts the giant tree trunk upon its back, a massive block of ice the head. 

The target at the bottom of the hill, a small, cozy village located at the base of the mountain. The ogres slowly stalk along the top of the peak picking out the best spots to descend. With a hideous bellow the leader starts to slide down. The ice cap crack and fall a mass wave of ruin comes.

The heard descends upon the village riding the avalanche down they smash into the sides of houses like cannon fire. Huts and yurts explode upon impact, trees are ripped from the roots. Many peasants are swept under the ice while others are picked up mid flight. The ogres giving massive roars ride off down the hill carrying the struggling cargo under arm.

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