Friday, February 3, 2023

Dungeon23 - 34/365. Room 34: Mushroom Room


Room 34: Mushroom Room

Natural Spongy Cavern (natural stone covered with mushroom walls, roof 5' and floor). Lightning (A small amount of sunlight penetrates from the mine shaft to the South. This room is dark) Smell (Mulch, mold, heavy spore, mushroom, dirt, feet). Sounds (Slow drip from overhead, occasional spore puffs). Touch (Spongy floor, squelches, sap sticky walls). Exits (An exit to the North and west).

A room that was used as a base of operations for an adventuring group. The remains of a campfire sits in the middle of the room. Bed spreads have been ripped apart and tossed. A makeshift door to the north has been ripped off its hinges. It looks like a fierce battle ripped through the room. Three adventurer bodies lay in heaps, the walls have been sprayed with blood and freshly painted warning signs. Something large has been dragged to the north.

North: The smell of mushroom is overpowering. The sound of slicing can be heard from within. The dirt around the door looks packed with glowing liquid.

South: The South leads back to the central mine shaft. A small amount of light pushes back the gloom and occasionally faint hammer taps can be heard coming from deeper down.

East: The smell of blood is thick from the east, the mushrooms closest to the tunnel entrance are speckled with red blood drops.

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