Thursday, January 5, 2023

TTRPG creations: 116/365: Ice Centipedes

Ice Centipedes

 Clicking and clattering, snipping and snapping. Hundreds of pointed daggers punch into the ground in quick succession. Slight hissing can be heard before the approach, a red glow emits from them and brightens rooms. Small puffs of steam between sealed carapace. An angry red and white segmented vile thing. It rears back ready to strike and bolts forward blinding fast.

Pincers pinch down and pull off lumps of flesh. Inner mandibles constantly shovel food into a gullet. The blinding inner heat grills the meat as it goes down. Instantly transformed into energy to keep the Centipede from freezing over. Constantly on the move, needing to find fresh prey to turn into protein. These insect sharks run through caves, forests and tundras. Most often found lurking in hot springs and sulfur streams in which they can stay hot.

They fear the cold and will actively and viciously attack any target that can summon and use the tundra's blizzards. Beware any cold environment in which you hear sudden hissing and clicking. The centipedes will attack anything and stop at nothing to avoid freezing over.

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