Sunday, November 13, 2022

TTRPG creations: 63/365: The Trawl Golem

The Trawl Golem

 The net is thrown over, men cry out back and forth. The schools swim sporadically throughout the warm waters. The nets tighten and yank up, the prize to be hung, drawn and quartered and at the markets. Fish mongers scream wares while gulls flock overhead. Eyes pecked out, guts hooked and tossed. Food for the scavengers.

Driven to the brink of extinction. Overfishing forced evolution, slimy scaled hands made of multiple minds. The school moves through the water as one. A horror amalgamation school of fish, scales slide in and interlock. The ships slide upon the waters above, the cursed nets unfurling and capturing brethren.

The fishing trawler lurches to a halt, panicked men are thrown to the deck as deep creaks and groans are heard underneath. Wood splintering, cracking and snapping starts. Nails pop out of plants as the ship is torn in two. As the fisherman fall into the foam the net encompasses them, drawing shut it pulls them all down into the darkness. 

The Deep sea markets await.

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