Monday, November 7, 2022

TTRPG creations: 57/365: The Ship Of A Thousand Spores

The Ship Of A Thousand Spores

 Psychotic psychedelics pulse in waves across the masts and deck, a slowly crawling fungus freighter whose prow pushes through slow seas. Along the horizon it lurches to and fro, fuzzy fluorescent gills glimmer and glow. The surrounding surf turns a multi-hued oil slick as the potent pollen pumps into the saline sea. 

Atop the top most crown sits the figure. A grand tall mushroom cap for a hat and deep sea blue hue satin cloak over old shoulders. His two metre long hands struck out forward holding an ancient driftwood staff. Clouds part and rain fizzles away at his approach. Fingers stained with hypnotic dyes, his eyes a prismatic potion. 

His mushroom crew race to and fro. Short and tall mushroom capped men, odd bark like skin outlines blurry due to the spores. As the high druid lifts his arms and gives a warped scream the cap slowly unravels to reveal a full fungus ship. The near crawl becomes a race as the wind catches the sails the prow pulls itself through the waves. The salt coast beckons him home, the payload has to be paid off.

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