Sunday, July 10, 2022

Creating a TTRPG: ACC - Australian Creatures - T - U

Tasmanian Devil - Long, loud, repulsive screeches throughout the night. Filth stench waft throughout the air, repugnant, repulsive odours. Jaws unlock, clamp down and relock, thick neck and wicked teeth rip and tear. Black fur and white stripes, berserk frenzy.

Init +3; Atk bite +2 (1d4) ; AC 12; HD 1D8; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP: Devils scream - Enemies within 30' roll -1D on attack rolls; SV Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D4


Thorny Devil - Thorned limbs slowly bob back and forth, spiked head rocks side to side eyes rolling. Desert sun beats down on hooked scales, cold reptile blood bubbles and boils beneath the blazing sun. Careful, concealed madness amongst hundred of barbs.

Init -1; Atk bite +1 (1d4); AC 15; HD 1D8; MV 20'; ACT 1d20; SP melee attackers take 1D3 damage; SV Fort +2 Ref -2 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D4


Tiger snake - Black and yellow scales slither through silent sands. Aggression only found within king of the beasts. Constant attacks, nonstop venom pumping, noxious frenzy. 

Init +1; Atk bite +2 (1D4); AC 13; HD ; MV 30'; ACT 1d20; SP Fort save or 2D8 damage; SV Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N; NE 1


Tree Kangaroo -  Slow, laboured, awkward movement on ground. Bold, swift and courageous within the trees. Soft sponged hands grasp outstretched branches, swinging and leaping from branch to branch. A dive bombing champion that drops sixty foot to the ground.

Init +1; Atk bite +0 (1D4); AC 12; HD 1D8; MV 30' climb 30' and swim 30'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +1 Will -1; AL N; NE 1D4


Thylacine - Sandy yellow and brown with black stripes, head of a wolf and stocky canine body. Potent predator and pursuer of prey, kangaroo, koala, sheep and chicken all food. Powerful jaws clamping down, packs forever chasing.

Init +2; Atk bite +2 (1d4); AC 12; HD 1D6; MV 40'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +1 Ref +2 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D4


Ulysses Butterfly - Electric blue and space black flit amongst the flowers. A neon sapphire swarm assaults the senses, hypnotic pattern wings. 

Init +1; Atk -; AC 7; HD 1D4; MV 45'; ACT 1d20; SV Fort +0 Ref +3 Will -1; AL N; NE 2D20



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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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