Thursday, May 26, 2022

Gygax 75# The feral Yowie

Long of claw and fang the Yowie is a dread Australian cryptid. Towering at a height between seven to twelve feet tall these hairy humanoids could easily blend with the surrounding brush and scrub until pouncing on prey.

The term Yowie was used in 1875 by the Kamilaroi people meaning "a spirit that roams over the earth at night". Other tales tell of entire tribes of Yowies living together, These tribes being the original inhabitants of the continent.

HD - 3
AC - 13
Movement - 120' (40')
AL - N
Morale - 7
Att - 2 (1d4)
SV - As of great apes

(Should be played as an ambusher preferring hit and run style or high burst damage) 

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