Monday, December 4, 2023

TTRPG creations: 292/365: Feeder Squeezer Hand

Feeder Squeezer Hand

 A tiny humanoid hand is cut off and dried, it curls up and blackens becoming a stiff trophy. The witch will find her way into a bedroom placing the small hand into the mouth of the victim. Like an undead crab the hand snaps and pops into life. It crawls down the hosts throat inching its way along veins and through tubes. 

With time it finds itself at the heart, it carefully caresses and wraps itself around the beating organ. Pinching a piece of artery it connects itself by the wrist and flows with life. It slowly squeezes in time with the heart beats, slowly growing in size. 

The witch maintains control over the hand and with it total control over the victim. Defiance is met with a squeezing, mashing grip.

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