Monday, August 7, 2023

Dungeon23 - 168/365. Room 168: Old Cold Forge


Room 168: Old Cold Forge

Old Moss Stone Walls (Old stone walls, floors and ceiling). Lightning (Deep thick black, a sunburnt orange glow lights up the western wall). Smell (Old, deep iron, metallic, rust, oil, burnt ozone). Sounds (An undertone of crackling energy). Touch (Something being held back). Exits (Two doors stand to the east and another to the north). Points of interest (An old forge with accompanying tables stands on the western wall. An orange rune located on the lid placed upon the forge lights up most of the room. A dormant forge elemental is trapped beneath the lid).

The smell of brimstone, oil and sweat faintly lingers within the room. A deep sun burnt orange glow erupts from the west lighting up a portion of the room. A fiery orange room is emblazoned upon a lid atop the forge.

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