Thursday, June 8, 2023

Dungeon23 - 155/365. Room 155: Deep trader


Room 155: Deep Trader

Old Moss Stone Walls (Old stone moss walls, floors and ceiling). Lightning (Lit by lanterns). Smell (Old, deep, cleaned out, slight smell of oil and incense). Sounds (Creaks from the stones shifting, crackling of lanterns). Touch (semi restored, lived in). Exits (Old wooden doors stand to the south west and north east corners of the room). Points of interest (A make shift trading post made with scavenged wooden parts. Wooden barricades form an L shape within the room moving the party towards a front desk. Prices and a menu have been carved into the wooden board. Four guards stand at the ready).

The door squeals open to reveal a makeshift traders post. Wooden barricades have been hastily set up and cross bows point down at the party. A heavily covered figure stands behind the desk eyes narrowed.

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