Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dungeon23 - 150/365. Room 150: Sixth Floor


Room 150: Sixth Floor

Old Moss Stone Walls (Old stone moss walls, floors and ceiling). Lightning (Deep thick black). Smell (Old, deep, musty and dank). Sounds (Creaks from the stones shifting, constant dripping). Touch (Old and forgotten). Exits (Old sodden swollen oak doors stand to the north, south and west). Points of interest (What looks to be the remains of a small camp can be found on the floor. The northern door has moss covering the handle, the southern door handle is clear of moss. A black mold has spread up the western door).

The elevator drops into the sixth floor, a damp dismal place. Seeping moss covered stone walls nearly buckling under the weight of Vitlandas body and the dank water. Swollen oak doors stand to the north, south and west.

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