Tuesday, May 9, 2023

TTRPG creations: 239/365: Star Powder Snorter

Star Powder Snorter

Ground down minerals and gems turned into a fine paste or powder. Smeared along the gums or snorted into the nose. An instant quick energy burst of slight divine might. A watered down hint of the gods power burns throughout the veins, searing nerves and  boiling the brain within the skull.

The price of power eats away at the body and shaves away the soul. The mind withers away and shuts itself off, base instincts take over. With time the body is barely a hollow husk. They take larger amounts to further the power pushing the body to the limits until finally they break. 

A supernova within the crystal caves, lightning blue and shock neon green flames and plasma bolts melt the surrounding walls, the eye of the storm pulls in upon itself then roars out of existence.

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