Monday, May 8, 2023

TTRPG creations: 238/365: Highest Mother (Hoyeste Mor)

Highest Mother (Hoyeste Mor)

Within the Litte Gamm race a being exists that has seen every face and heard every name. The Hoyeste Mor is the first of the race to crawl from out of the remaining old gods offal and blood. She sculpted the start of her clan from what was around her. She created the Litte Gamm in her image like a twisted god seizing the opportunity.

Black coal eyes with white pinpricks set within the deepest depths of sunken sockets. Thousands of inch deep long set lines chiselled into an ancient face. She is placed upon the highest crystal of the lowest cave, looking down upon all.

All Litte Gamm have started and ended life under her watchful eye.


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