Tuesday, May 2, 2023

TTRPG creations: 231/365: Litte Gamm

Litte Gamm

Squat and stout or long and large the men of the fifth floor come in all shapes and sizes. When the outer gods twisted blood fell it swept through the fifth floor in a miasma. The frolicking fey folk fell to the venomous vapors. Limbs and flesh melted and flowed while crystals and minerals covered the bodies. Through generations of limited contact the one peaceful people have grown mighty underground empires and cities.

One will crumble only to be taken by another, bones of the buildings are built upon. The current era is of the Litte Gamm, small seemingly wizened humanoids. With long dexterous fingers and keen eyes they pluck the gems from the surrounding walls and build glittering kingdoms that span the caves. 

A cruel malice lives within the Litte Gamm for all those taller than them. Centuries of being the bottom of the food chain has bred a hatred usually reserved for the tallest of races.

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