Monday, May 22, 2023

Dungeon23 - 142/365. Room 142: Cave Study


Room 142: Cave Study

Natural Geode Walls (Caves walls with spinning spiral geodes, roof 80' and floor). Lightning (Diamond torches blaze merrily in this small alcove study, gems shine upon the walls in the torchlight). Smell (Deep,distant, fungal, floral and off.  Something within this level throws the senses out of alignment. Old parchment and cleaning oils sit heavily within the air). Sounds (The tapping can be heard all around in the level, like small hammers slowly tolling on cymbals. Alien cries and odd shrieks pierce the air and clicking from underneath starts to grow louder. The crackling from a small fireplace built into the water). Touch (The walls are warped and rigid, either running like melted wax or solid like steel. The small study is clean and well kept). Furniture (A door with a peculiar lock stands at the entrance to this small study. Three different coloured holes are placed below the door handle. Within rests simple table, writing desk, bed and fireplace. Different stone working instruments lay upon the table) Exits (To the north is the central platform which houses the rope ladder back up. Stairs move downwards to the north and south and east.

A simple wooden door stands within the way, three different coloured holes are placed below the door handle. Within the small cave is a simple study containing a table, writing desk, bed and fireplace. Different stone working instruments lay upon the table

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