Monday, April 24, 2023

Dungeon23 - 114/365. Room 114: Side Hallway

Room 114: Side Hallway

Stainless steel walls (Stainless steel walls, roof 10' and floor). Lightning (Odd lights appear from all around, throwing colours and hues at random intervals.) Smell (Cold stainless steel). Sounds (Clicks, whistles, beeps and chirps can be heard from this floor. A constant hum is constantly surrounding the characters setting teeth on edge. The different hallways are in a constant bizarre state of change). Touch (The walls are solid cold stainless steel). Exits (Multiple exits exist to the right and left all ending in bizzare room).

The massive cave runs up a flight of stairs leading back into the main laboratory. A long hallway with multiple rooms on either side connects the labs together.

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