Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Dungeon23 - 102 /365. Room 102: Observation Deck


Room 102: Observation Deck

Stainless steel walls (Stainless steel walls, roof 14' and floor). Lightning (several white shaped crystal is inserted into the roof casting a sterile light.) Smell (Cold stainless steel). Sounds (Clicks, whistles, beeps and chirps can be heard from this floor. A constant hum is constantly surrounding the characters setting teeth on edge. Caged Troglobilis shouting and screaming from the cave directly below.). Touch (The walls are solid cold stainless steel. Plated glass on the southern wall is warm to the touch). Furniture (Large desks and observation pods overlook the cave below). Creatures (Six Fourth Level Lab Workers are currently taking notes and running experiments). Exits (An exits exist to the South heading back into the hallway).

A large observation room built to hang over the Troglobilis cave. Caged specimens are being experimented upon downstairs by more lab workers. Large desks have been set up and chairs are filled with lab workers jotting down notes.

North: Back into the cold stainless steel hallway. Animal sounds echo off the walls from the East and West.

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