Wednesday, March 29, 2023

TTRPG creations: 198/365: Rigid Spine Frog

Rigid Spine Frog

A massive wet warty swamp warrior. Emerald green and swamp jade to deep dirt brown, streaks of noxious toxic yellow yell warnings. The squat spine running high and low with raised wooden ridges. Low hanging bent branches run along the bristling backbone. Low note rumblings riddle the swamp bouncing of the tree bark.

A constant cacophony of cracks and creaks emit from the enormous croaker. The wooden warbling terrifies and transfixes potential swamp prey. Rubbing against manky mangroves the peals peal away the senses.

Ring barked trees betray the beast warning all about the warty warrior.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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