Thursday, March 23, 2023

TTRPG creations: 192/365: Men of Deep Space

Men of Deep Space

The sky of Vitlanda splits and weeps. Deep angelic voices push through the atmosphere. Sickly siren song shattering the air. A formless mass floats towards the gathered giant. White, stretched and billowing it blasts down upon them. Tired, weary and beaten the bloody giants gather on higher ground. Roaring up in defiance they prepare to repel the out world predator.

The bodies of these gods were burnt and destroyed by the giants, scattered to the wind and left for rot. Cursed corruption does not die so quickly nor quietly. The spores sunk deep into the dank, dark ground. Finding purchase within long forgotten caves, waterways and tombs of Vitlanda.

From the cursed blood came the races of evil, foul progeny of the stars ilk.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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