Saturday, March 18, 2023

TTRPG creations: 187/365: Cyst Pile

Cyst Pile

The torso fused into the walls, ground and roof. Skin stitches to skin as boils boil over the surface. A collection of bodies interwoven and connected through pus pockets. Infection a defense and offensive countermeasure of the body and environment. The cults answer troublesome prisoners or those who lack use.

Cysts of every size rampage over the surface. From ochre to daisy the sludge of yellow roils beneath the thin membrane surface. The pressure builds as the torso releases tension. The skin rips and a heated jet of putrid pus explodes.

The cult will fuse troublesome prisoners around the inner complex to act as makeshift guards. Frequent incisions are periodically doused with infected fluid. A breeding ground for the masses of cysts that feed from the body.

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