Tuesday, March 14, 2023

TTRPG creations: 184/365: The Deboned

 Sliding slow across slippery floors. Pounds of flesh roll and tumble over each other. Organs mishmash within the skin suit, bumping and jostling. Constantly expanding and deflating, oozing out and reforming like kneaded bread. 

The deboned form the next rung of the cult. Undergoing a brutal trial in which every bone is removed en masse. They live as a lump of flesh, crawling along the ground. Every week a bone is reinserted back into the body. Slowly bit by bit they relearn to live.

The deboned make up the majority of the cult. A large percentage of the flesh horde are in some stage of reassembly. Most have entire limbs reinserted so what approaches the adventurer could be a roaring combination of arms, legs and torsos.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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