Tuesday, March 7, 2023

TTRPG creations: 176/365: Mushroom Slave

Mushroom Slave

Body bent low and broken. Fungi bubbles burden the back. Human form twisted by years of brutal labour. As much plant as human a blur between the two. The Fungi Druids corral the slaves together, fungi flesh whips cracking across spines and limbs.

Massive sacks laid across back they move from row to row plucking, sawing and hacking at the shrooms. Organs have become nutrients for the slowly growing spore. A spiderweb of corruption lacing itself throughout the body.

Most recede into the mind locking themselves away into a fantasy world. Others are kept conscious by the invader, fungus limbs poking and prodding the grey matter learning the body.

The slaves spread the spores which spread through the slaves.

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