Friday, March 3, 2023

TTRPG creations: 172/365: Deep Cultist

Deep Cultist

Stained sanguine satin robes cover a husk of a frame. A bag of bones swaddled in blood red cloth. Collected bone totems click together. The figure hunched over, chest silently heaving. Tight, parchment like skin pulled tight on curled fingers. A stone grey skull of a face. Muscles eaten away and flesh pinned against bone. 

Fingers prick and pull at fungi. Black rot spreads across the mushrooms flesh. Handfuls of toadstools disappear into the dark hood. Slurping, chewing and sucking echoes through the caves. A surge of power is sensed rather than heard or seen.

Silently stalking the caveways long cloth sweeps dust and debris aside. Small pinpricks of light ebb out of arm cuffs as fingers spasm and seizure. The fingers jerk and hook while corrupted power leaks from them. Pores burn with dark blue flame. 

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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