Sunday, March 26, 2023

Dungeon23 - 85/365. Room 85: Flesh Cult Summon Room


Room 85: Flesh Cult Summon Room

Unnatural Cavern (Unnatural flesh walls, roof 14' and floor). Lightning (hundreds of fat tallow candles light this room.) Smell (Rot and disease, spices, running fat and incense). Sounds (The constant contractions of the flesh walls, murmuring and chants from he gathered cultists). Touch (The walls consist of purple flesh that has become taut and tight). Creatures (A group of deboned and skin warriors are gathered within this room). Exits (An exit to the north, south and east is pushed into the wall).

A small room of flesh that acts as a gathering point for the cult. A group of Debones and Skin Warriors are currently awaiting orders. They turn at the entry and rush forward, a wave of screams and jeers.

North: A door of flesh and heavy bone stands to the north. Beyond is silent, the door looks to have evidence of being opened and closed often.

South: The flesh of the door has a massive eye carved upon it. The sounds of something slowly moving comes from the south.

East: A mass of chanting comes from beyond this door. Ripping and tearing can be heard from within, the thin skin door seems drenched in splashes of crimson.

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