Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Dungeon23 - 80/365. Room 80: Cult Slip Passage


Room 80: Cult Slip Passage

Unnatural Cavern (Unnatural stone and flesh walls, roof 4' and floor). Items (A desiccated body lies curled up within the passageway, a bundle wrapped within its arms). (Lightning (Pitch Black). Smell (Stale and untouched). Sounds (No sounds penetrates this room). Touch (The walls, floor and ceiling are all dry and dusty). Exits (An exit to the East and West).

A secret passageway connecting the two cult areas. This tunnel looks to have been sealed off and forgotten about.

East: Fungi has slowly intruded upon the eastern walls. A large fungus cap blocks the entrance

West: The walls to the west have gained a purple flesh texture. They writhe and flex when touched.

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