Sunday, March 12, 2023

Dungeon23 - 71/365. Room 71: Cults Opening


Room 71: Cults Opening

Unnatural Cavern (Unnatural stone and flesh walls, roof 10' and floor). Lightning (The suns shine has become a bleak black.) Smell (Perfumed flesh, rancid spices and tar). Sounds (Screams and babbling from further within. Nonsensical sentences repeated over and over). Touch (The walls consist of purple flesh. Often half a hairless body has become fused to the wall, eyes open and mouth agape. The bodies and walls twitch in unison). Exits (Three exits to the north, south and west).

The cave opening seems to lead into madness. The walls have become a spongy purple skin. Moles and freckles the size of fists dot the walkways and tumours pulse. Hairless bodies are fused into the walls acting as makeshift repairs. They twitch with open mouths and wide eyes.

North: The walls are dotted with unblinking eyes that track movements. The walls of flesh seem to harden heading to the north.

South: A strong breeze pushes through from the south. The walls of flesh seem to wither and rot heading to the south.

West: Chanting can be heard from the west. The purple flesh walls take on a stretched scarred appearance.

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