Thursday, March 2, 2023

Dungeon23 - 61/365. Room 61: Druid Sect


Room 61: Druid Sect

Created Cavern (Created stone walls alive with fauna, roof 12' and floor). Lightning (The flora ground, walls and ceiling give off a very faint glow.) Smell (Loam, Dirt, pine and fungi). Sounds (Constant crawling throughout the grounds). Touch (Soft and unhealthy). Exits (Two exits to the north and south).

The east opening is a large room covered in odd flora. A dim glow comes off the floor, walls and ceiling. Animal totems are painted on top of the fungi along the walls. In the center of the room is a large effigy with an unlit fire place beneath.

North: The fungi grows thick towards the north. Caps, puff balls and spores are packed. The smell is choking as it irritates the nostrils and eyes.

South: Movement can be heard from the south, large objects being shuffled around constantly. Occasionally the crack of a whip echos out.

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