Saturday, February 11, 2023

TTRPG creations: 152/365: Cairn People

Cairn People

Giant stone steps stomp through the tundra. Giant long limbs cut from the grounds crust. Long chisels cut away circles from stone flesh. Rings run ragged circles over forearms, runes dance over calves. Interlocking lines cover limbs. The great carved stone men step out into the air.

Long buried away from prying hands and shifting eyes, put deep below in the depths. The slow waking army, the grounds people lay in wait for the day to rise. Ancient men built golems in their image, infused them will memories.

How to hunt. How to create. How to build. How to survive. Odd camps crudely constructed dot the landscape, stone men slowly go to work. Hunting animals in mock fashion, taking the kill and mimicking the feast.

The ancestors are long gone and buried but the creation strides on.

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