Monday, February 6, 2023

TTRPG creations: 148/365: Sulfur Zombie

Sulfur Zombie

 Mustard yellow to aggressive ochre the sulfur fields bloom in retched explosions. Long brimstone fields stain the alabaster country side. Grounds cracked with bright sunflower coloured strips. Men and beast work the sulfur fields risking life and limb.

From bleach to gunpowder to disinfectant to holy rites. All crave the noxious yellow jewel. The ground creaks and cracks, bursting forward mass explosions scaled and strip all around. Necrotic magic resides deep beneath. As men perish from the fumes the sulfur takes control.

Bodies reanimate in shambling parody of life, a wave of bright yellow death. Rotten egg rolls over the wind in eye watering waves. Mortals retch and run as the putrid pile surges forward.

Lemon crystal crusted corpses crash into towns and cities.

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TTRPG creations: 366/730: Mok'Pok

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